Lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers that affect many people in the world. This disease is mainly associated with smokers, as smoking is one of the undisputed causes of lung cancer, although not all cases occur in smokers or those who have quitted smoking.

Many people who get affected by this disease take time to realize the signs and symptoms of the condition. The symptoms and signs of lung cancer are very varied, and they will depend on the location of the tumor and how widespread it is.


A large number of people who get this disease usually discover cancer through a routine chest X-ray or during a CT scan. In most cases during the two medical routines, the tumor is always reported looking like a coin and many patients usually report no symptoms. If you are keen enough or seek medical advice, you will be able to identify the following symptoms.

Signs that are related to this condition: as the cancer grows and invades more parts of the lung tissues and even the surrounding parts, this interference may affect the normal breathing of the smoker and lead to others symptoms.

The common signs to expect are coughing, shortness of breath chest pain, wheezing and hemoptysis or coughing up blood. Additionally, if the cancer invades the nerves, it may cause shoulder pain or lead to paralysis of the vocal cords and cause hoarseness.

With continued growth of the tumor, collapse of a portion of the lung may occur and cause more fatal infections like abscesses pneumonia mainly in the affected part of the lungs.

Symptoms related to metastasis: as lung cancer develops and reaches other parts of the body, it may reach the bones and start causing more pains on the bones. If it spreads to the brain, it may cause neurologic symptoms that include headaches, blurred vision, seizures and several signs of stroke.

Paraneoplatsic symptoms are also the other common symptoms of this disease that you should know. This condition is in most cases accompanied by many other signs that may lead to hormone-like substances production by the tumors cells that are developing as the condition reaches other parts of the body.

The common paraneoplastic symptom is a production of a hormone that is referred to as adrenocorticotropic hormone that is produced by the cancer cells. Hence, this leads to over secretion of the Cortisol hormone by the adrenal glands.

There are other nonspecific signs and symptoms of this disease that you should know. These are signs that are seen with many people that are suffering from cancer and they include weight loss, weakness and also tiredness. One may also exhibit psychological symptoms like stress, depression and varying moods.

Lastly, when you experience these signs and symptoms regardless of whether you are a smoker or not, you need to visit a doctor and seek help.

The common signs of lung cancer that should influence you to visit the doctor are chest pains, fatigue, breathing difficulties, blood in sputum and persisted cough.

Hence, prevention is always better than cure. So now you know early symptoms and signs of lung cancer, and if you note any of that signs, visit doctor for a checkup. Treatment of this disease at the early stage is more easiest than at final stages.

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