Smoking can cause lung cancer

by AMagill under CC BY


Lung cancer is spreading on everyday basis and one should know that there have to be some major causes of this disease and reasons affiliated to it. Lung cancer is going to have some implications and when it did, several diagnoses were made and the reasons behind the problem were sorted out on a persistent basis.

There are some things which are very important when it comes to knowing about the causes of lung cancer, these should be explained and described in a well off manner for further treatment and prognosis. It very important to know what is the cause of lung cancer.

Some major causes of lung cancer

Major causes of lung cancer are listed and explained below for future guidance and assistance in any case or matter that you might come across with.

One of some major causes of lung cancer is smoking and you probably have heard and known about it for a long time. The smoke which is released from the cigarette smoke is really injurious to health and it’s released from the paper yielding many other things that you aren’t aware of.

Cigarette smoke contains tar elements and benzene radicals which lead to the formation of the haphazard and random cells within the body resulting in lung cancer. In 70% of the cases, lung cancer is due to the presence of cigarette smoke elements within the body.

The more a person smokes the cigarettes, the chances increase of him or her attaining the ailment at some point in their life.

Environmental smoke can cause lung cancer

Environmental smoke and pollution could be another one of some major causes of lung cancer because we are normally exposed off to so many things that we don’t realize are harmful for our body.

The surrounding that we live in is full of pollution and consistently pollution from factories, industries is being filled up within the air some more to cost issues and troubles for the human beings.

There are harmful gases such as asbestos, carbon dioxide, carbon mono-oxide and sulfur gases that could be really damaging to the healthy cells and tissues of the body. The compounds such as X-ray, CT scan and several other elements of life that we don’t recognize on easy basis are involved with the formation of lung cancer and one must consider them all more than anything else.

Lung cancer could also be induced due to some other forms of cancer. Diseases that are particularly limited to some part of the body might transform into lung cancer later on and have consequences that are unforeseen.

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